In this weeks class we will be covering. how to Breath, Ground and Center. A list off commonly used terns you may or maynot be familar with. And a Corispondance for the elements. Thier is a lot to be covered this week. so buckle down and enjoy. The Class will be Picking up speed from here
Write down the following exersizes in your Book of Shadows. record the results of them in your Ritual Diary when your done.
That's right folks were going to be using that Ritual Diary. So far you should be keeping a Daily Journal, A dream Journal, Writing things in Your Book of Shadows. and Now we Start working in your Ritual Diary.
To Keep a ritual Diary on the top of the Page write down the Date and time.Like Tuseday April 21st 12:45 PM. What phaze the moon is in. The weather conditions outside. your emotinal, Physical, and Mental state.
and what you are doing. the Page may look like this:
Tuseday April 21,1998. 3ed Quarter Cloudy
Fellings: Happy Physical: Some Minor Aches Mental: Kinda Slugish today
Breathing, Grounding, centering, light Meditation
Bellow the heading record who was there, what you did...grounding would be grounding not spelling out the whole thing. what Happened. How you felt about the experiance. what were the results. you should do this every time you meditate or do magical work.
Grounding is important for two reasons. 1) it helps us stay in contact with the stabilizing energy of the earth. 2) it helps to clear us of the excess energy and emotions from our daily lives.
1. Breath
2 Stand with your feet shoulder length apart, arms hanging loosely at you side, your palms facing the
3 Close your eyes
4 Feel the energy pulse of the earth bellow your feet. If you can’t feel it at first know that it is there. Even
if you are a few stories off the ground.
5 Concentrate on bringing the energy of the earth through your feet, up your legs, up your torso.
6 At your shoulders feel the energy branch, one branch going to each arm and the third continuing up your
7 Feel the energy travel down your arm, out your Palms and connect back to the earth.
8 Feel the energy continue up your spine through and out the top of your head. Making branches like a
Weeping willow tree that go back into the ground
9 Feel the energy traveling through your body and back to the earth, A continual circle of calming
10 Fell your self Stabled by the earth, let any excess energy or emotions return to the earth in the energy
stream, to be collected and cleansed by the earth.
11 Do this for 5 minutes and either take a cleansing breath and stop
12 End or continue to Centering
Centering is important because it balances the flow of energy within your body. Some benefits of centering yourself daily. Is that it can help you to be more relaxed and calm during school or work. Centering can also increase your ability to focus on tasks that need to be done. Not only in the craft, but in your every day lives. A benefit on centering your self each morning, is that it can help you to be more alert, and focused through your day. Bellow are the steps for centering yourself.
1 Breath
2 Ground
3 Take a deep Cleansing Breath.
4 Close your eyes.
5 Visualize a silver Ball of light swirling over your head.
6 See a stream of light descend through the top of your head, and form another ball of light in the center of
your forehead. Your third eye.
7 From the new ball of light fell a stream of light continue to flow downwards, and collect into a ball of
light in the center of your chest. Your heart.
8 From this Ball of light feel a stream of light descend and form another ball of silver light in the center of
your Stomach. Your Solarplexes.
9 From here feel the stream of light descend and form a ball of light at your Groin. Your Root
10 From the ball of light at your root. See and feel the light descend into a gold Ball of Light Between your
11 See a gold light ascend from the ball and travel up. Stopping at each ball of light on it’s way up. The root,
The Solarplexes, the stomach, the Heart, the Third Eye. And back up and out your head into the silver
ball of light.
12 Continue to feel the silver light travel down your body stopping at the balls of light. And the gold Light
ascending. Making a circuit of balanced energy through your body.
13 After a few minutes let the Light fade. Yet know that it is still traveling up and down your body as you
go on about your daily business. Or magical workings.
14. Go on about your day, Meditate or do your magical work if you have any to do.
Now record your experiance in your Ritual diary. When you feel confiedent grounding and centering go Visit the The Meditation Brook and Do the Meditations for the elements only. Record the results in your Ritual Diary. Send me the copy of your Riual Diary Page for Thursday
Bellow is A list of terms that you may or maynot be familar with. coppy them into the next clean page in your book of shadows. add to them if you come across terms you do not readly understand. if you don't know what a word is ask me I'll be glad to tell you.
As we start to get into the Practicing part of Wicca it is important to have an understanding of the elements. Outside of recognizing them. Bellow is an Elemntal corispondence. that will show you how the elemnts relate to directions, items, animals and such. Copy thes down into you Book Of Shadows. and add them when you find more things that go with the elements